
Economist - Osservatorio del Terziario Manageritalia - Remote, November 2022 - August 2024
Developing analysis and reports on the Italian economy

Fellow - Think Tank Tortuga - Remote, June 2017 - April 2022
Produced research and articles on economic policy topics in Italy and Europe, and co-authored the book Ci Pensiamo Noi (2020, Egea Editore, in Italian)

Researcher - Local Opportunities Lab - Remote, June 2020 - October 2021
Supported collection and analysis of Italian local-level data to assess differences in economic opportunities and outcomes across Italy

Trainee - European Central Bank - Frankfurt am Main, August 2019 - November 2019
Worked in the Prices and Costs division to support the assessment of inflation pressures by coordinating policy briefings and presentations across the division

Summer Intern - Institute for Fiscal Studies - London, July 2018 - August 2018
Prepared briefing notes comparing how OECD countries raise tax revenues, both from an aggregate perspective and using microsimulation models

Summer Intern - HM Treasury - London, May 2016 - July 2016
Monitored developments on banks’ balance sheets and financial markets, and produced an econometric analysis of the effect of low long-term interest rates